Pages: { 1 }
Bonnes fêtes!
Happy Holidays!
2024 ↓
2022 ↓
- 28/10/2022 _ 14:19:52: "Binou mun lonin ♡ "
- 28/10/2022 _ 14:19:52: "Kisses to my bunny ♡ "
- 8/5/2022 _ 13:55:52: "Ouiii ! Viiite ! Vroum ! "
- 8/5/2022 _ 13:55:52: "Wrooom! "
- 2/1/2022 _ 12:38:14: "Portrait de famille avec un fond rouge "
- 2/1/2022 _ 12:38:14: "Family portrait with a red background "
2021 ↓
- 11/4/2021 _ 11:50:11: "Nounours et confiture "
- 11/4/2021 _ 11:50:11: "Teddies and jam "
2020 ↓
- 17/12/2020 _ 02:39:59: "Un petit coucou "
- 17/12/2020 _ 02:39:59: "Hi! "
2015 ↓
- 20/12/2015 _ 21:44:01: "Sirène et passé "
- 20/12/2015 _ 21:44:01: "Siren and past "
- 12/12/2015 _ 04:09:14: "Musique Ciné "
- 12/12/2015 _ 04:09:14: "Music Cinema "
- 27/2/2015 _ 04:02:36: "Il semblerait que le printemps sorte du bec d'un rouge-gorge à deux queues. "
- 27/2/2015 _ 04:02:36: "It seems that spring out of the beak of a robin with two tails. "
- 18/1/2015 _ 17:16:44: "Expérimentation et accident "
- 18/1/2015 _ 17:16:44: "Experiment and accident "
2014 ↓
- 18/12/2014 _ 16:45:28: "Hm.. Ça ce n'est pas un cheval. "
- 18/12/2014 _ 16:45:28: "Well.. That's not a real horse. "
- 30/10/2014 _ 18:00:19: "Cirque _ Halloween "
- 30/10/2014 _ 18:00:19: "Halloween _ Circus "
- 19/3/2014 _ 20:34:32: "C'était chouette! "
- 19/3/2014 _ 20:34:32: "It was great! "
2013 ↓
- 13/10/2013 _ 10:00:29: "Peinture à l'huile "
- 13/10/2013 _ 10:00:29: "Oil on Canvas "
- 10/10/2013 _ 09:30:03: "Une enfant de trois ans et demi / Art comtemporain "
- 10/10/2013 _ 09:30:03: "Three-and-half-year-old child "
2009 ↓
- 12/12/2009 _ 07:43:47: "Portrait d'un homme "
- 12/12/2009 _ 07:43:47: "Portrait d'un homme "
- 8/7/2009 _ 20:03:37: "Portrait de femme "
- 8/7/2009 _ 20:03:37: "Portrait de femme "
- 28/6/2009 _ 07:05:33: "Poupon fatigué "
- 28/6/2009 _ 07:05:33: "Tired doll "
2008 ↓
- 28/9/2008 _ 08:08:53: "Technique pour peindre à l'huile "
- 28/9/2008 _ 08:08:53: "Oil painting tutorial "
- 3/8/2008 _ 07:33:15: "Barbie et Ken "
- 3/8/2008 _ 07:33:15: "Barbie and Ken "
- 6/1/2008 _ 05:59:26: "Peinture à l'huile : portrait du malaise "
- 6/1/2008 _ 05:59:26: "Peinture à l'huile : portrait du malaise "
2007 ↓
- 29/11/2007 _ 20:52:23: "Champignon "
- 29/11/2007 _ 20:52:23: "Mushroom "
- 2/4/2007 _ 12:52:14: "Portrait d'un ours bleu "
- 2/4/2007 _ 12:52:14: "Blue bear "
- 1/4/2007 _ 21:54:50: "Nounours divers "
- 1/4/2007 _ 21:54:50: "Various teddy bears "
- 10/1/2007 _ 18:06:53: "Coquetier "
- 10/1/2007 _ 18:06:53: "Egg cup "
- 9/1/2007 _ 18:31:06: "Couple "
- 9/1/2007 _ 18:31:06: "Lovers "
- 1/1/2007 _ 10:03:09: "Objets cousus et dessins "
- 1/1/2007 _ 10:03:09: "Items and drawings "
2006 ↓
- 2/12/2006 _ 09:52:03: "Sirènes "
- 2/12/2006 _ 09:52:03: "Mermaid "
- 2/12/2006 _ 06:06:33: "Fille "
- 2/12/2006 _ 06:06:33: "Girl "
- 2/12/2006 _ 06:05:02: "Bonjour! Bienvenue! Welcome! "
- 2/12/2006 _ 06:05:02: "Hello and Welcome! "
- animal ,
- art ,
- Blog ,
- cinema ,
- couture ,
- Css ,
- dessin ,
- enfance ,
- fait-main ,
- femme ,
- film ,
- homme ,
- HTML ,
- inspiration ,
- jouet ,
- musee ,
- Oh-le-chouchou ,
- paysage ,
- peinture ,
- Peinture-a-l-huile ,
- portrait ,
- animal ,
- art ,
- Blog ,
- childhood ,
- cinema ,
- CSS ,
- drawing ,
- HTML ,
- inspiration ,
- landscape ,
- Made-by-hand ,
- man ,
- movie ,
- museum ,
- Oh-le-chouchou ,
- Oil-on-Canvas ,
- painting ,
- portrait ,
- sewing ,
- toy ,
- woman ,
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Stats 2024
Nombre de visiteurs uniques ce mois-ci: 535
Monthly Unique Visits: 535
Nombre de vues mensuelles des pages: 14035
Monthly Page Views: 14035
Nombre de visites cette année: 1117803
Annual Page Views: 1117803
© Catherine Aimée Jules
Translation by "le Club BBAP"