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Grâce aux nuances

Paintings by Catherine Aimée Jules Les peintures de Catherine Aimée Jules

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Binou mun lonin ♡

Portrait en biais d'un lapin gris foncé. Du texte est écrit autour du lapin.
    Le texte écrit en blanc dit : Bisou mon lapin  Bisou mon lapin  Bisou mon larin  Birou mrn larin  Binou mun lonin

Peinture à l'huile
46 X 38 cm

Portrait en biais d'un lapin gris foncé sur un fond de couleur mauve.

Kisses to my bunny ♡

Portrait of a dark gray rabbit. Text is written around the animal.
     The text written in white says: Bisou mon lapin  Bisou mon lapin  Bisou mon larin  Birou mrn larin  Binou mun lonin

Oil on canvas
46 X 38 cm

I don't know how to translate the text written on the painting because there are deliberate spelling mistakes. The beginning of the text literally says: "Kiss to my rabbit". So we could possibly transform the rest of the text into " Kiss to mttrt ramrit Krsts rttr mtttr morrit ".
Which doesn't make sense.

Portrait of a dark gray rabbit with a mauve background.

Posté par Catherine le 28 Octobre 2022 à 14:19:52 _ Categorie: Peinture-et-dessin _ Permalien: #

Posted by Catherine on 28 October 2022 at 14:19:52 _ Category: Painting-And-Drawing _ Permalink: #

4 Labels

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4 commentaires

Cuillere said:
" 🐰❤️ "

2022-11-14 22:39:33

Cuillere a dit:
" 🐰❤️ "

2022-11-14 22:39:33

David said:
" I never see like this article. It is very precius I mean this post is incredible and really informative. thank you for the sharing such amazing information. "

2022-12-15 23:12:00

David a dit:
" I never see like this article. It is very precius I mean this post is incredible and really informative. thank you for the sharing such amazing information. "

2022-12-15 23:12:00

Question said:
" Tu attends toujours sa lettre, n'est ce pas ? "

2023-01-04 02:41:50

Question a dit:
" Tu attends toujours sa lettre, n'est ce pas ? "

2023-01-04 02:41:50

QWERTY said:
" Hello ! "

2023-02-20 21:12:52

QWERTY a dit:
" Hello ! "

2023-02-20 21:12:52








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© Catherine Aimée Jules

Translation by "le Club BBAP"